file organizer 2000

The fastest way to
keep your Obsidian tidy

An AI-powered plugin that helps you organize your vault.

AI Suggestions

Realtime suggestions to add tags, aliases, and move your notes to the most relevant folder.

Auto Organizing

The Inbox folder allows you to drag-n-drop your files to have them organized automatically

AI Formatting

Define AI Templates with a custom prompt and Fo2k will automatically suggest them where it makes sense

it's open-source

it's open-source

and always will be.

and always will be.

some cool things i like to do with it

Auto-transcribe Voice Memos from my iPhone

Transcribe audios
from my iPhone

There's an iOS shortcut to get voice memos into Obsidian that works well with the inbox feature.

i just use it to send my audios and the plugin automatically transcribes it, gives it a name, and puts it in the most relevant folder

Format Files the way I want them

I use the "AI Template" custom prompts feature so that each time i open a workout note i get a suggestion to automatically format the note with a workout table

Auto-rename & organize Images

I got rid of all those img_xxx.jpeg in my vault. With the plugin i can easily click a button and the ai will give human-readable names based on the content of the picture.

stuff people say



This is such a cool project, thx for making this!!



Under Selling it?

Avery Fox


It's working very well, thanks! Currently a large library of images is being organized. I'm excited about the potential to enhance our workflow.

It's working very well! Currently a large library of images is being organized. I'm excited about the potential to enhance our workflow.

10k+ notes organized

100+ users

Self hosted


Ultimate privacy

All features from the app

Requires technical skills & credits for external OpenAI API (if model of choice)

Self-host in less than 2 min

Cloud hosted



My personal Whatsapp or Telegram

5000 files per month

Seamless no-sweat setup 

No external AI subscription needed

30 days money-back guarantee

Get Started



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file organizer 2000

file organizer 2000

The fastest way to
keep your Obsidian tidy

The fastest way to
keep your Obsidian tidy

An AI-powered plugin that helps you organize your vault.

file organizer 2000

file organizer 2000

The fastest way to
keep your Obsidian tidy

An AI-powered plugin that helps you organize your vault.

An AI-powered plugin that helps you organize your vault.